Electra Health

Juliana Hodanic



Have you ever been told to sit up straight or pull your shoulders back? Julia heard this a lot growing up, but she always found it uncomfortable, awkward, and exhausting to maintain good posture. Julia was very athletic growing up, and played a multitude of sports, however as a young adult she started experiencing constant SI joint pain and excruciating sciatica which slowly forced her to stop doing the activities she loved.

Despite undergoing various treatments, she still couldn’t run without triggering pain.
With a degree in kinesiology and a background as a physical education teacher, Julia stumbled upon posture therapy one day and decided to book an appointment. To her surprise, she experienced immediate relief after following the prescribed exercises and promptly enrolled in the posture alignment specialist certification course. Now, Julia loves to go rock climbing and running, free from the constraints of her old SI joint pain.

Driven by her personal transformation, Julia made the pivotal decision to transition from teaching in schools to pursuing posture therapy. Her goal is to assist more people in enjoying their favorite activities without pain. Through correcting posture, she has helped numerous clients alleviate chronic pain, enhance physical function, and avoid invasive surgeries.

With every appointment, clients gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of their pain and are provided with tailored corrective exercises to improve their body’s alignment.

Education & Training
  • Egoscue Institute, Posture Alignment Specialist Certification
  • University of British Columbia, Bachelor of Education – Health, Outdoor and Physical Education
  • Douglas College, Bachelor of Physical Education and Coaching – Kinesiology Concentration
  • BCAK Member
Treatments & Techniques
  • Posture Therapy
  • ICBC Active Rehabilitation
Treatment Price & Duration
Posture Therapy (8-pack) 45 minutes – $1400.00
Posture Therapy (Single Visit) 45 minutes – $200.00



Have you ever been told to sit up straight or pull your shoulders back? Julia heard this a lot growing up, but she always found it uncomfortable, awkward, and exhausting to maintain good posture. Julia was very athletic growing up, and played a multitude of sports, however as a young adult she started experiencing constant SI joint pain and excruciating sciatica which slowly forced her to stop doing the activities she loved.

Despite undergoing various treatments, she still couldn’t run without triggering pain.
With a degree in kinesiology and a background as a physical education teacher, Julia stumbled upon posture therapy one day and decided to book an appointment. To her surprise, she experienced immediate relief after following the prescribed exercises and promptly enrolled in the posture alignment specialist certification course. Now, Julia loves to go rock climbing and running, free from the constraints of her old SI joint pain.

Driven by her personal transformation, Julia made the pivotal decision to transition from teaching in schools to pursuing posture therapy. Her goal is to assist more people in enjoying their favorite activities without pain. Through correcting posture, she has helped numerous clients alleviate chronic pain, enhance physical function, and avoid invasive surgeries.

With every appointment, clients gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of their pain and are provided with tailored corrective exercises to improve their body’s alignment.

Education & Training
  • Egoscue Institute, Posture Alignment Specialist Certification
  • University of British Columbia, Bachelor of Education – Health, Outdoor and Physical Education
  • Douglas College, Bachelor of Physical Education and Coaching – Kinesiology Concentration
  • BCAK Member
Treatments & Techniques
  • Posture Therapy
  • ICBC Active Rehabilitation
Treatment Price & Duration
Posture Therapy (8-pack) 45 minutes – $1400.00
Posture Therapy (Single Visit) 45 minutes – $200.00