Electra Health

Nearly Six Million Canadians Suffer From Acne

Acne is a skin disorder that often develops in adolescence when hormones cause oil glands to grow and produce more oil. When these glands overproduce, they can cause the pores to become clogged, eventually creating ruptures in the skin.

For some, these problems clear up after adolescence. For others, acne lasts into adulthood, and for a small percentage, acne even begins in adulthood. Naturopathy offers natural acne treatments to help alleviate acne symptoms as well as other natural acne treatment and physical health issues. Our downtown Vancouver Naturopaths focus on treating the whole person and consider ailments, such as acne, as symptoms of failings in the person’s physical health.

When a Naturopathic doctor considers a person with acne, they often recommend treatments that include nutrition adjustments, natural supplements, and topical treatments for the skin ruptures.

Conventional Acne Treatment

Many medically-based topical creams claim to clear up acne for good, however, Naturopathy practitioners believe the real cure begins from the inside. For this reason, Naturopathy is very focused on nutrition. Naturopathy practitioners suggest supplementing foods high in saturated and trans-fats with foods high in unsaturated fats. For example, foods such as avocados, olive oil, eggs, spinach, nuts, and fish can be very beneficial in promoting healthy skin.

Acne Treatment

Other ways to improve skin’s appearance and prevent acne is to take supplements such as flaxseed oil and vitamins A, B6, C and E. Other supplements used in Naturopathy that aid in skin disorder treatment is zinc, flaxseed oil, chromium, selenium, and brewer’s yeast.

Our downtown Vancouver Naturopathic doctors commonly suggest treating acne naturally, using herbal medicines. The goal of ingesting herbs is to cleanse your blood and detoxify your liver so it can regulate hormone production and stop breakouts.

Burdock is a common herb used in treating acne as it can be taken orally and is thought to purify the blood. This treatment can also be used as a topical antiseptic to treat the already existing acne ruptures

Women and Acne Treatment

For women who often have acne breakouts when they are menstruating, Chaste Tree Berry can be taken. Chaste Tree Berry extract contains properties which are thought to stabilize dopamine levels in the body. Dopamine, in turn, stabilizes the female hormone progesterone, which, if overproduced in the body, can cause period breakouts and other skin disorder problems.

Downtown Vancouver Acne Treatment

Our downtown Vancouver Naturopaths offer many acne treatment options. Book your appointment with one of our Naturopaths to get a detailed assessment of your overall health, so that you can start taking steps towards clearer skin.